Nice To Meet You

I’m Natalie, your photographer.

It all started when I found a cheap old film camera in my grandma’s closet when I was 15. I started taking that little film camera everywhere, and film photography quickly became my first love. I loved the nostalgic and imperfect nature of it, and as I began to take courses on film development I came to appreciate the labor of love it is to process, develop, scan, and print my own photographs. Having only 36 frames on a roll of film made me incredibly intentional about each photograph, and it became my art form.

I saved up for my first digital camera, and I came to love the endless possibilities that digital photography can bring. I still have a deep passion for film photography, and I love to pair its timeless magic with the modern convenience + security of digital photography on wedding days.

Learn More About My Approach →
Things I love:
Vintage Clothing
Graphic design
Fleetwood Mac
French Music
Video Games
Vanilla Lattes
Dinner Parties
Vintage Furniture
Art Museums
Old Magazines
My Pets
Riding Horses
TRopical Drinks
Arts + Crafts

My life, in photographs.

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